- Nikolai Vogler

Example domain paragraphs

Computer Science and Engineering UC San Diego

Hello! I am a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, San Diego , where I am advised by Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick in the Berg Lab . Previously, I received a research Master's degree at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University , where I was advised by Graham Neubig in the NeuLab . Prior to CMU, I received my Bachelor's degree at UC Irvine (zot zot!) , where I was a member of the Computation of Language Laboratory (CoLaLab).

My research focuses on natural language processing and machine learning, particularly digital humanities. Currently, I am interested in NLP for historical documents, such as early modern books and manuscript collections, which offer a wealth of information about human history, but can be challenging for modern, data-hungry neural NLP models. For instance, movable type printing press-era books and scribal manuscripts are subject to sources of variation not found in recently printed books or digitized interne