- conjugateprior - Will Lowe

Description: Homepage for Will Lowe

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Welcome. I am a political methodologist specializing in statistical text analysis and causal inference, with applied work in legislative politics, political economy, social media and public policy. You can read about all that on the publications page, in the trusty CV , or just that one time in the New York Times .

I'm a Senior Research Scientist at the Hertie School in Berlin. In fact, I'm the Senior Research Scientist at Hertie School, since they admit they don't have any others. This makes me very special - even specialer than being a Senior Research Specialist back at Princeton because there were quite a few of those. I just thought you ought to know that.

If you're wondering what I did before that, this biographical sketch probably won't help much, although it does implicate a lot of people who should have known better.

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