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Search Menu Help your child floss Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Help your child floss Help your child floss Proper dental hygiene is extremely important for a person to remain healthy and fit. Parents should start teaching good oral habits to their children from an early stage. Brushing twice each day is essential but flossing is also necessary to remove any plaque and food particles not reached by brushing. Flossing may be tricky, especially for little kids whose motor skil

What is the importance of flossing?

It is important to floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. In the course of eating, food particles get stuck between your teeth and gum line, causing plaque to build up. This plaque can harden into tartar if not cleaned regularly, causing cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Flossing prevents cavities and gum disease by removing food particles and plaque from between your teeth.

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