- Computational Journalism | At the Tow Center for Digital Journalism

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The course is a hands-on, research-level introduction to the areas of computer science that have a direct relevance to journalism, and the broader project of producing an informed and engaged public $100 installment loan . We study two big ideas: the application of computation to produce journalism (such as data science for investigative reporting), and journalism about areas that involve computation (such as the analysis of credit scoring algorithms.)

Alon the way we will touch on many topics: information recommendation systems but also filter bubbles, principles of statistical analysis but also the human processes which generate data, network analysis and its role in investigative journalism, visualization techniques and the cognitive effects involved in viewing a visualization.

Assignments will require programming in Python, but the emphasis will be on clearly articulating the connection between the algorithmic and the editorial. Research-level computer science material will be discussed in class, but the emphasis will be on understanding the capabilities and limitations of this technology.

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