- Colossians 2:16 Translation - Sabbath Plural Or Singular

Description: Is the word Sabbath plural or singular in Colossians 2:16 and see a translation chart for both Colossians 2:14 and Colossians 2:16.

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This is one very controversial verse as it relates to something very important to God and hence it should be very important to us also. Some claim that the reference to sabbath days in Colossians 2:16 is referring to the Seventh day Sabbath of the Lord but Paul states in verse 14 that what is written in verse 16 are the ordinances, which would make Sabbath days the various ceremonial sabbaths. So should the Greek word “ sab'-bat-on ” in Colossians 2:16 be translated as sabbaths clearly indicating that cerem

Since the Greek text verifies that Paul is referencing the ordinances (ceremonial law) in Colossians 2:14, then everything else he refers to in this passage is also part of this ceremonial sanctuary system, which was observed when the moral law was broken. So the chances that Paul is referring to the fourth Commandment here is not possible. It just simply does not fit the context of the passage in the slightest. All these points and the above question will now be clearly answered.

Those guilty of antinomianism or anti-sabbatarians often like to quote Bible translations that are not true to the original Greek text to support their argument while falling from truth. It does not necessarily mean these are bad translations as they are sometimes just trying to clarify a verse. The NASB is quite often used by these people, but note how it moves seriously away from the original meaning of the verse. Compare the KJV with the NASB and see which matches the original Greek text using the table

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