- Colonial Piecemakers Quilt Guild | Home of Quilting in Williamsburg

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Meetings are ordinarily, on  the first Saturday morning of each month,   from 9:30am to Noon ,   and often online via Zoom.  You are welcome to greet friends & newcomers, peruse door prizes/raffle table items, white elephant, library books, submit your completed Block of the Month, etc….

WHERE:  King of Glory Church 4897 Longhill Rd, Williamsburg, VA 

Membership is open to anyone interested in quilting, whether you know how to quilt or not.  If you don’t know how to quilt & would like to learn how check out our Resources page.  If you are a non-quilter looking to learn how or an experienced quilter looking for a group of like minded people, please feel free to look around our site.  We hope that you will join us at a meeting soon. Please feel free to email any of our officers or volunteers with your questions.