- collision detection

Description: A weblog about politics, technology, and culture

blog (29006) technology (16086) weblog (1285) pop culture (389) wired (85) collision detection (13) new york times magazine (7) clive thompson (1) knight fellowship (1) knight science journalism fellowship (1)

Example domain paragraphs

After about 15 years, I’m retiring Collision Detection. (I’ve posted so infrequently in the last three years that it’s been essentially retired anyway, heh.)

But hey! I’ve started a new site over at my namesake URL, . I’ll be posting occasional essays and building an archive of all my journalism over there.

Go over and check it out! Because there’s so much fun stuff I’ve done on Collision Detection, though, I’m not taking this site down. I’ll leave it here until the server crashes or the sun burns out, whichever comes first.

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