- Colinaut

Description: I wear a lot of hats… artist, medical/technical illustrator, and designer with experience in print, branding, XD, game design, and web design; and I am a frontend fullstack-ish web developer. My life is full of creativity. My friends are rad. (he/him)

Example domain paragraphs

I wear a lot of hats… artist, medical/technical illustrator, and designer with experience in print, branding, XD, game design, and web design; and I am a frontend fullstack-ish web developer. My life is full of creativity. My friends are rad. (he/him)

Not much to show here at the moment, as this site is currently being rebuilt. I've ripped all the content out of my old Wordpress site and am currently rebuilding it in Astro .

You can follow me on Mastodon @[email protected]