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Description: Looking for spa treatment, a fishing get-away, family vacations or de-stressing after a long week, Coldwater Country has it! Home

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Branch County, promoted as Coldwater Country, is located in southern Michigan, half way between Chicago and Detroit along the Old Sauk Trail, also known as the U.S. 12 Heritage Route . I-69 runs north and south in the middle of the county, making Branch County easily accessible from either I-94 to the north or the 80/90 Toll Road to the south. Coldwater , Bronson , Union City and Quincy make up the quaint communities where you can find home-town festivals, boutique shops, many lakes and events make this are

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COLDWATER COUNTRY CONFERENCE & VISITORS BUREAU 20 Division St., Ste.2 Coldwater, MI 49036 Ph: 517-278-0241