- Colorado Horse Council, Inc. | Working to bring the horse community together

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The  Colorado Horse Council  advocates for the social, economic, and legislative interests of all horse breeds within the State of Colorado, the US, and worldwide. We are a trusted voice in the horse industry and our mission is to advocate for the health & wellbeing of all horses and promote initiatives that advance and enhance the equine industry. View Our Mission Statements  Welcome, Fellow Horse Enthusiasts! All Equine Enthusiasts Come Together and help support the work for the Equine Heritage Foundation

The Colorado Horse Council represents farmers, ranchers, breeders, trainers, showmen and women, retailers, veterinary care providers, service providers, feed producers, and those who own horses within the State of Colorado.

In partnership with the Colorado Horse Development Authority, we launched a new Colorado Equine Microchipping Program  in 2018 to help reunite owners and their horses when separated as a result of natural disasters, theft, or accidental escape.