- The Cody Report – Just a little news on the Cody family

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The Cody family has been staying busy as usual, so we apologize we have not been keeping up with the blog.  We have slowed down a little on Elliottblog too.  William has been begging me to post, but honestly, at the end of the day after a full day of work and kids, I am burnt out and just want to relax.

So on to the update…

The most important and exciting thing is that everyone is doing great!  We had a busy few months with William’s birthday in April, my birthday, Elliott’s 3rd birthday, Laurel’s pre-K graduation and first ballet recital in May.  That is on top of our busy work schedules, Elliott’s chemo treatments, and all our other activities.  Elliott is still responding well to treatment and kicking Leukemia’s butt and Laurel is full of energy and joy as usual.  William has been losing weight and getting fit and trim and