- Codescaling – Coding at all scales

Description: Coding at all scales

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Coding at all scales

Menu About Codescaling Relocating…. 24/03/2019 ~ Codepope I’m consolidating the code* sites and that means that there will, all going well, be no new posts here. Instead, I’m breaking in a new site at . There’s already a post up (with code) about the PyPortal. So, maybe see you there. It’s going to be a work in progress (no comments yet), but see you there – you can get in touch through Twitter (@codepope) if you want.

Cyntech do a word clock – an 8×8 array of neopixels, a set of acrylics to make a box and stencils for the words and space to fit in a pi zero or pi 2/3 inside. It’s been built here for a while and suffering from random light shows on the display and dropping the WiFi.

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