Description: The CREATE Lab is both a technology breeding ground and a community partner. It is this unique combination that enables a new form of local change: one that empowers the citizens to chart their technology future and, most important of all, their community's prospects for quality of life.

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CREATE Lab stands together with our Black team members, our Black partners, Black workers on campus, and the Black members of the larger community.

We unequivocally affirm that Black lives matter. Black Americans continually experience oppression rooted in a system of institutionalized racism impacting everything from air quality to education, small business loans to voting practices. This issue is especially glaring in light of a deep history and contemporary demonstrations of extreme police violence directed disproportionately at Black community members. We condemn the systemic racism against the Black community. We commit to better understanding our

We see the results of systemic racism pervasively across housing, health, employment, education, power, and voice. Black voices are suppressed and ignored. This must change. We commit to growing Black leadership within CREATE Lab. We continue our commitment to support and affirm the voices of Black communities, complementing community narratives with data visualization. We commit to expanding partnership with our community as peers, for positive social change.

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