- Closed loops from square hats

Example domain paragraphs

Today I realised why I like being on terraces, balconies, mountaintops – high and windy places. It is when I am in such places that I am free of fear – fear that is so ever present in my life in almost every moment that its absence is a cause of surprise and almost euphoric joy. My heart relaxes, my chest expands, my muscles loosen. Maybe there’s an evolutionary reason for this – high places are great vantage points and you can spot enemies from far away. People look small and are far away, and so are the p

Why should we test a prediction if we are sure about the assumptions being correct? So, let’s say that we make certain observations of a system. These observations are identical to the assumptions of some theory. Given that conclusions follow from premises/assumptions, we find that with these observations as assumptions, we can make some predictions of the state of some system variable at some time. Now, given that we are absolutely sure of the correctness of all the assumptions required for the theory bein

Some thoughts on clouds and causality. I went to Ahmedabad last year, and noticed that the clouds looked very different from what they looked like in Bangalore. I don’t remember exactly how they were different now – just that they were strikingly different. In any case, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post. In general, what makes clouds look different between two locations on Earth? First, a list of factors, roughly categorized. Internal to earth factors. Position on Earth: latitude and altitude.