- Clemens' Comet - Earth, Sun, Evolution

Description: 2 Keys to Universe to NASA and scientists, discovered Clemens' Comet created our sun, earth, planets, life, evolution, dinosaur extinction in K-Pg Boundary

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Clemens' Comet Keys to the Universe Creation Craters Book/Accolades Time&Universe DNA Solved Clemens' comet: KEYS TO THE UNIVERSE Clemens' comet: KEYS TO THE UNIVERSE Clemens' comet: KEYS TO THE UNIVERSE Clemens' comet: KEYS TO THE UNIVERSE Clemens' Comet Keys to the Universe Creation Craters Book/Accolades Time&Universe DNA Solved Clemens' Comet: Created Universe to Sun to Earth to Life to Moon...twice! Clemens' Comet: Created Universe to Sun to Earth to Life to Moon...twice! Clemens' Comet: Created Univer

15 Keys to Universe, Time's DNA, Code of Life, Blueprint for Life, geology, meteor showers, moons to NASA/global scientists.

Our sun was a Jupiter-like planet in an older solar system until 4.567 billion years ago. CLICK IMAGES: planet sizes, etc. UPDATE MAY 28, 2023: I discovered and solved the DNA of time and our universe tracking all to the second for 44.567 billion years (true age of our time's Clemenian DNA Strand while scientists see 47.067 billion years into "not dot" pre-helix) through 5 different physics realms of DNA helix twists in space. I discovered our universe is only 4.567 billion years old matching our solar syst