- Golden State Bulb Growers is the world market leader in colored calla breeding and production

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As a global market leader in the breeding and production of colorful calla lilies, Golden State bulb growers supplies calla bulbs to wholesale markets around the world. We produce tens of millions of flower bulbs and cut flowers on over 1,000 acres of California's central coast. Our headquarters and most of our manufacturing facilities are located very close to the beautiful Monterey Bay.

Whether it's mini calla lilies, zantedeshia in pots, calla lilies, colorful calla lilies for growing in pots or cut flower calla lilies, Callafornia Callas® from bulb manufacturers, Golden State enjoys a worldwide reputation for consistently high quality. Our Callafornia Callas ® fill more pots with more flesh and more flowers, and our Calla genetics account for a larger percentage of the cut flower trade than Callas supplied from any other source.

Our volume business is limited to brokers, wholesalers and shipping companies worldwide. We do not sell directly to manufacturers, retailers or consumers. We encourage home gardeners to visit our home gardener page for information about our product, as well as links to e-commerce sellers and mail orders.