- Clayton Page Aldern

Description: Writer and data scientist currently working at the intersection of climate change, environmental degradation, neuroscience, and mental health.

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Writer and data scientist currently working at the intersection of climate change, environmental degradation, neuroscience, and mental health

Clayton Aldern is a writer and data scientist interested in science and society. Based in the Pacific Northwest, he's currently working on a book about the effects of climate change and environmental degradation on neurochemistry, behavior, decision-making, and mental and emotional health.

His writing has been published by The Atlantic , The Economist , Scientific American , Logic , Grist , Sierra Magazine , Crosscut , UN Dispatch , and others. His reporting and data visualization have been syndicated or otherwise republished by The Guardian , The New Republic , Mother Jones , Vox , Newsweek , Salon , Canada's National Observer , The Texas Observer , Moyers & Company , Yes! Magazine , AlterNet , Truthout , Fusion , CityLab , Business Insider , and elsewhere.