- Clan Dunlop - Home

Description: Home site for all Dunlop's, Dunlaps, and Delaps! For everyone descended from the East Ayrshire Scottish Family to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada!

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House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop House of Dunlop Home History Village of Dunlop Royalty & Chief's Tartan Dunlop House Dunlop Manor Houses Coat of Arms Sources Genealogy Stories Migrations The Kirk of Dunlop Veterans Notables Damnoni Tribe Welcome to The House of Dunlop! Welcome to The House of Dunlop! Welcome to The House of Dunlop! Welcome to The House of Dunlop! Where the babbling burn "Glazert" winds around a small rise, throu

Against the painted Picts, the Britons of Strathclyde, the Gaels of Eire, the Angles, the Romans and the Vikings, they stood in this Place, this fort of stone and mud, this insignificant small hill and paid for these lands with sinew and steel and blood!!! 

They gave this place a Name, these Celts...