- Civil War Quilts

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At the Civil War's beginning Lucy Lewis was one of  about 14,000 enslaved people in the city of New Orleans. She was a domestic servant who lived in the home of Solomon P. Solomon on Hercules Street (renamed Rampart Street.)

After war's end Uncle William Markham became a trusted Union source for information about who'd been a Unionist and who a persecutor of Union sympathizers. In Secret Yankees Thomas G. Dyer quotes an Intelligencer article during Sherman's occupation in which Uncle Markham is described as a "mean, vindictive man...well-known in Atlanta to be traitorous to the cause of the South," and, as Dyer notes, the editor implied "that Markham should be murdered." Yet, Markham's money and perhaps his judicious approach t

Our only block with curved piecing, this last block is based on a common fan design, using the pattern structure of BlockBase #2001. As it's a new pattern we can give it a new name Union Circle