- City of Weiser, Idaho

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City of Weiser, Idaho

I have to tell you that I have found myself in an interesting situation. About a month ago I mentioned that we went to lunch with some friends, Kim and Anne. Kim is the director of a renaissance orchestra that performs an annual Christmas concert of renaissance era carols played on renaissance instruments. Kim and I used to play trumpets in band together in high school and he had talked me into playing a cornettino in the concert. The cornettino is a precursor to the cornet and trumpet used today, but a cor

Weiser, Idaho is a small rural community of 5,507 located in southwest Idaho and the home of the National Oldtime Fiddle Contest and Festival.  Located at the confluence of the Weiser and Snake Rivers, the City of Weiser is the county seat of Washington County.  Named over 200 years ago after Peter Weiser, who was an American soldier, and member Galloway of the Corps of Discovery on the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Weiser takes pride in its rich history and is represented by many of its original buildings, w