- City Church Gloucester: For the City. For the nations.

Description: City Church Gloucester is a church in the heart of Gloucester with a passion to see Jesus made known locally and nationally. Here you can find information about the church, service times and resources.

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City Church is a diverse church, gathering people of all ages and phases of life from many backgrounds. We are all at different places in our journey and we invite you to continue your journey with us at your own pace and at a level that’s comfortable for you. Along the way, feel free to ask any questions – we’re here to help. And, if you’ve yet to visit, we hope to see you at one of our Sunday meetings soon.

We believe that Church is more than just a building or a gathering of people on a Sunday. Church is our family, and our vision is to build a Christian community where every member love’s, accepts and supports one another through all of life’s successes and challenges.