- Citizens For Tax Fairness

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Salt Lake Chamber – Socializing Costs and Privatizing Profits

In a 2019 column , Derek Miller, the president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber, expressed deep concern about “the assault on free enterprise from the far right and the far left, from the halls of government to the sidewalks of Main Street.”  He then noted that while “Utah makes free market principles work better than almost anywhere else….We already see anti-growth, anti-job sentiments creeping in.”  He concluded by commending Governor Herbert for “calling for financial literacy courses in high schools” in

What Miller fails to grasp is that the “fascination with socialism” is fueled, at least in part, by the U.S. and Salt Lake Chambers of Commerce as they go about socializing business costs while privatizing profits.  In fact, the Salt Lake Chamber, along with the Utah Taxpayers Association and other corporate groups, has worked to socialize costs while privatizing profits for decades.

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