- Dome's Portfolio

Description: Adam Chyb (Dome) is a software engineer with interests in backend, OS and security.

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I've spent 5 years working at Google, 4 of which working as an SRE on Google Cloud Storage before becoming a software engineer working on Fuchsia OS .

I'm most experienced and interested in software development work focused on backend, OS/embedded or security. That said, I love learning and am always excited to try something new. Lately I've been learning native Android app development with Compose and frontend/full-stack development with Astro and Next.js . I've participated in the Ludum Dare game jam several times with Godot as my engine of choice. Check out my projects page to see more info on everything I've built.

When I'm not in front of my computer I like playing indoor volleyball, singing, playing my ukulele, cosplay and gaming (OK, that last one is still in front of a computer).