- chromakode

Description: Max Goodhart's personal journal and sketchbook.

Example domain paragraphs

Shape began as a shower thought one summer evening in 2006. I was 16, and back then my home on the web was deviantART . I admired artists who could draw beautiful forms from a blank slate; in contrast, I felt like I was in a rut composing geometric presets. So, I challenged myself to draw something new from imagination each night. To keep the art simple and focused on form, I imposed a minimalist black and white format. The focus was on drawing shapes .

At first I was skeptical I would keep the habit, and probably wouldn’t have succeeded except for a trick: I promised myself I’d make 30 shapes before I’d share them with anyone. This turned out to be unreasonably effective at motivating me to continue until it became a habit. By the time I’d finished #30 , the project had clicked: I’d gotten through the iffy beggining part and was now producing work that I loved and loving staying up late doing it. I settled into a groove of mostly silouhetted forms and con

Overall, I drew 166 shapes , trailing off after my 17th birthday. Shape was often autobiographical, a process of digesting the most notable feeling or memory of the day. At the time, I was in my first year of an accelerated bachelor’s CS track at Portland State University . 2006 was filled with schoolwork , reflections on growth , and my first teenage romance . Shape was a perfect outlet to explore really specific ideas and feelings — without being too specific.

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