- chromakode

Description: Max Goodhart's personal journal and sketchbook.

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On April 20th, xkcd published Escape Speed , the 14th annual April Fools comic we’ve made together. Escape Seed is a large space exploration game created and drawn by Randall Munroe. I coded the engine and editor, with game logic and asset processing by davean. The game map was edited by Patrick Clapp , Amber , Kevin , Benjamin Staffin , and Janelle Shane .

This was one of the most ambitious — and most delayed — April Fools comics we’ve ever shipped. The art, physics, story, game logic, and render performance all needed to work together to pull this off. We decided to take the time to get it right.

The game is a spiritual successor to last year’s Gravity space exploration comic. Our goal was to deepen the game with a bigger map and more orbital mechanics challenges to play with.