- Christina Kehoe

Example domain paragraphs

I personally best consume books, articles, blog posts, etc. through an auditory source. I have found that I am able to focus on the content, get through more faster, and retain the information better this way. It also makes it really easy to keep up with reading on the go. If this resonates with you, here are some ways I do this that might also be helpful.

The two apps I use are Pocket and Audible . I often find myself skimming through Facebook, Twitter, email newsletters, or down other internet rabbit holes and come across articles I want to save to read later. Especially on Twitter, people will “like” a post as a means of saving the included link to read later. Pocket is a great place to save these instead. When I have some time (typically when I’m commuting), I will start playing through the articles I have saved up using the Listen (TTS) feature in Pocket

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