- PROF. DR. CHRISTIANE EICHENBERG – Diplom-Psychologin | Psychologische Psychotherapeutin | Universitätsprofessorin

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Diplom-Psychologin | Psychologische Psychotherapeutin | Universitätsprofessorin

The first wave of the COVID-19-pandemic hit dif­fe­rent coun­tries with vary­ing degrees of seve­rity, so that dif­fe­ren­ces in the type and level of emer­gency mea­su­res were also necessary. It can be assu­med that the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal bur­den was hig­her in coun­tries sub­jec­ted to a more severe course of the pan­de­mic (Italy) than in coun­tries sub­jec­ted to a less severe one (Ger­many, Aus­tria).

To inves­ti­gate and con­trast the well­being of the popu­la­tion in Italy, Aus­tria, and Ger­many in the early phase of the first lock­down.