- Christopher Garza Blog | Work……Friends……Family

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Wow, it has been a long time…I mean a loooooooooong time since I actually tried to update my blog.  I still remember in the early spring of 2002 putting my original portfolio up.  It was at the time something I was very proud of since it displayed the prior five years of sweat, blood, and tears made in the ole’ studio at the UTSOA.  Looking back at it today strikes me in a bitter sweet way.  The reason is that I would have liked to keep the format, but as you may be able to tell, it is strikingly similar to

With that I will leave my obligatory plug for what is going on in the work department.  Check out Elevate Architecture which is the name of my architecture company.  My other related company 3rd Space Group is currently heavily engaged in launching our first project, and you can find out what do at that website.