Description: Linux Users Group in Southern New Jersey. Cherry Hill, New Jersey to be exact.

cherry hill (130) slug (26) chlug cherry hill linux sjlug south jersey linux users group south jersey linux jersey linux

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to the homepage of the Cherry Hill Linux User's Group! You've found us. The largest and most active LUG in South Jersey.

We are a group of individuals HTTP//BRAINYTRADING.NET.IN meeting consistently once per month since 1999 to discuss and demonstrate the Linux environment. During meetings we plug a Linux box into the overhead and present topics of interest. You'll just have to come and see.

You are invited to join us at our next meeting no matter what your Linux experience level is. There are no fees or sign ups required. Just come and check us out. You can also participate in the group by joining the "friendly" discussion on our Mailing List .