- Chiyu Zhang(张驰雨)

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Ph.D. Candidate, Teaching & Research Assistant

I am currently a fourth-year Ph.D. Candidate at School of Information , University of British Columbia, Canada. My superviser is Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Mageed . My research focuses on natural language processing, deep learning, and social media mining. I am working as a Research Intern at Google this summer. I was a visiting Ph.D. student at MBZUAI , Abu Dhabi. I interned at Borealis AI as a Machine Learning Researcher before. Here is my résumé .

I obtained my M.Sc. degree of Data Science at Clarkson University under the supervison of Dr. Boris Jukic , and received my Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) from Xiamen University of Technology under the supervision of Dr. Yihui Qiu .