- European Chiropractors' Union - European Chiropractors' Union

Description: The European Chiropractors’ Union (ECU) represents the national chiropractic associations of 23 European nations, promoting high standards of education and practice and supporting research. It advocates for the rights of European citizens to access safe chiropractic healthcare and also for the rights of suitably qualified chiropractors to provide that healthcare.The ECU actively seeks to ensure that – as confirmed by settled EU case-law – the health and life of humans ranks foremost amongst European citizen

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ECU Online Series 2021 Our Services Research Public Health Education & CPD Welcome to the European Chiropractors’ Union There are around 6000 chiropractors in Europe providing care to millions of European citizens every year. Chiropractic is best known for treating back and neck pain, but in fact chiropractors successfully treat a wide range of other health conditions.

The ECU represents the national associations of 22 European nations, promoting the health benefits of chiropractic, high standards of education and excellence in conduct and practice. The ECU also represents the interests of the profession at a European level, advocating the inclusion of chiropractic within health policies and health programmes.

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