- Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive a

Description: PCC’s Chip Hart brings over 30 years of practice management consulting, plus his trademark engaging style, to Chip’s Blog. Come here for anecdotes, research, webinars, and all the best practices you need to succeed at the business of pediatrics.

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YouTube Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Website Navigation Pediatric Practice Management Calendar Blog Podcasts Webinars YouTube Twitter Facebook LinkedIn search …where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

As a dynamic and motivating speaker, Chip leads educational seminars and consults for pediatric professionals nationwide for organizations like the AAP, state chapter AAP programs, the MGMA, and various physician and hospital organizations around the country. Chip was a member of the CCHIT Child Health Work Group and is a member of the CDC Clinical Decision Support and Children’s Model EHR Format working groups. Chip contributes articles on practice management and health care information technology for Pedi

Do you own your practice or does your practice own you? You own and run a super busy pediatric practice but you know you haven’t reached your maximum potential. You know you need to invest in yourself so you can continue to grow your practice and as a professional. You own a multimillion dollar business, after all. Enter Pediatric CEO Intensive. We’ve done the work for you to bring all the best business minds together at this first-of-its-kind event to help you level up your frame of mind. Instead of spendi