- ChineseElvis - the online home to the UK's most popular award-winning Chinese Elvis Impersonator! 07956 255 374

Description: The online home to the UK's most popular award-winning Chinese Elvis impersonator! CHINESEELVIS is the first and only Chinese Elvis registered with the Actor's Union, Equity. He has been a member since 1988. With so many cheap imitations around (made in China, of course), make sure you choose the official and the best... Not convinced? Read on and marvel at the sheer scope of ChineseElvis's ubiquity...

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The online home to the UK's most popular award-winning Chinese Elvis impersonator! CHINESEELVIS is the first and only Chinese Elvis registered with the Actor's Union, Equity. He has been a member since 1988. Been here on the internet since 2000. With so many cheap imitations around (made in China, of course), make sure you choose the official and the best..! Hover your mouse around the site to discover secret links and exciting rollover images, including 12 - count 'em - perky breasts...

Lots of interactive fun. Make ChineseElvis dance! Learn the secret of the King's Chinese past!

Angelina Jolie, Keith Lemon, Darren Day - yes, they all want a piece of Chinese Elvis. But which piece? .