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Description: UDC, Charleston UDC, Benjamin Jenkins Johnson UDC Chapter #2690, Daughters of the Confederacy, UDC 2690, South Carolina UDC Chapters,

south carolina (2178) charleston (1153) war between the states (23) udc (22) southern history (14) united daughters of the confederacy (3) daughters of the confederacy benjamin jenkins johnson chapter # 2690 south carolin chapters

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The Benjamin Jenkins Johnson Chapter   # 2690 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy began in the sesquicentennial year 2011.  We have honored Benjamin Jenkins Johnson in our chapter name.  Benjamin Jenkins Johnson was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate States of America Army and served in the War Between the States in Hampton's Brigade .  He was killed at the First Battle of Manassas, also known as the First Battle of Bull Run fought in Virginia in 1861.  He is buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Charl

The UDC colors are white and red.- white for truth and purity and red for sacrifice.  

You will see the white rose on our website.  The white rose is  associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one .  Funeral and sympathy arrangements traditionally incorporate white roses as a part of the tribute. As a symbol of remembrance, the white rose represents our belief in God and is an expression of spiritual love and respect for all Confederate soldiers and their families affected by the War Between the States.