- Change The Conversation

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 Our mission is to raise awareness and create change so that more female voices will be heard in country music. Our goal is to have more women played on radio stations, digital streaming platforms, signed to record and publishing deals and offered high-profile opportunities, such as more slots on tours and festivals and performing on TV and awards shows. 

We Dispel the myths that women don't support other female artists or desire more female voices on the radio. We commission research and include expert opinions to present the truth of women's successes, such as album sales, ticket sales, social media influence and endorsement deals. We provide new artist development,  mentoring opportunities and other guidance to help young female singer-songwriters and executives. 

The lack of voices heard on country radio affect not only those who are making music , but those listening as well. Music plays  a powerful role in shaping our popular culture . Today's music does not reflect who we are as a country and sends the wrong message to our girls and women. Too often, country songs portray women as a pretty ornament on the passenger side. It is time to reclaim a woman's place in the driver's seat.