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A business , also known as an enterprise , agency or a firm , is an entity involved in the provision of goods and/or services to consumers . Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies , where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social not-for-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises targeted for specific social and economic objectives. A business owned by multiple individuals ma

Business can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector , e.g. "the music business". Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word's broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. The goal is for sales to be more than expenditures resulting in a profit.

Business is the debut EP from New Jersey , rock band Jet Lag Gemini ,. Recorded in Madison, NJ at Northshore Studios when two of the band members were still 15 years old, the EP was released June 6, 2006 on Doghouse Records .