- Chad Kellogg

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Obviously we’re big believers in shouting about sex from the rooftops (if that’s what you’re into and feel comfortable with, of course). And while I personally see writing and talking about sex as super important because it normalises the conversation surrounding female pleasure, there are many reasons why other women feel the need to speak openly and freely about it. Plus, we’re lucky to able to when many women across the world don’t have that privilege.

As a way to get women to bang on about banging in a loud and honest way, Scarlet Ladies has launched their ITalkSex campaign which is all about sharing womens’ personal stories that explain why they… well… talk about sex, of course.

“We believe that no woman should ever be ashamed of her sexual experiences, needs or feelings,” says Scarlet Ladies founder Sarah. “We know that sexual oppression, rape and abuse thrive when women are ashamed to speak. We talk openly about sex because every woman, everywhere, has a right to feel good about her own body and her sexuality.”