- Citizens For Conservative School Boards

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We recognize that schools and teachers have direct influence over the future of our country. For American liberty to endure, education must not fall into the hands of Marxist, progressive radicals who are taking control of local school boards and replacing traditional liberal education with a warped, divisive indoctrination. We will expose school board candidates around the country who promote Critical Race Theory, anti-American propaganda, the Gender Confusion Delusion, and any other dilutions of the tradi

“The teacher’s desk has been turned into a soapbox.” -Vice President Calvin Coolidge, warning of Marxism’s prevalence among American schoolteachers, in 1922. Leftist bias in among unionized primary and secondary educators goes back a long way in America. Yet it has reached a level of extremity beyond precedent. The blatant indoctrination to which our young people are now subject became all too real for me when my son told me he once had to sit in algebra class not to receive math lessons but to watch police

Not long ago, schools strongly tended to protect students from peer pressure. Today, school staff use peer pressure to denounce certain students’ religion and to belittle basic rights of free expression and self defense. If so-called educators rob this generation of a fundamental understanding of their basic freedoms, that understanding will be lost for generations to come.