cet-ka.org - CETKA | Advocating for social issues using artistic and cultural practices

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Navigation Charta Network CETKA Close CETKA is a project around bringing artists and cultural initiatives from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus together. The terrifying events of the last weeks have been doing the opposite: destroying lifes, homes, families and tearing people apart. Most of the members from our network have been uprooted - not knowing, if they can ever return to their homes and spaces of activity. Our hearts are broken.

This is not our war. It’s not the war of people, but that of ruthless expansion fantasies. We refuse to let this war divide us. We continue to be supportive of each other, we stand in solidarity and we act against this war.

The short films shown are from some of our partner organizations in Ukraine - from the cities Kharkiv, Kherson, Mariupol and Dnipro. They were shot from December 2020 to January 2022, shortly before the war started and explain the activities of artists in their hometowns. These films show cities before their destruction and artists before they had been uprooted. The events of the last weeks have changed how we perceive the films: from showing the confident and futuristic work of artist collectives, to being