cesoirarts.com - Ce Soir Arts – Gone, but not forgotten….

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We stepped away from Ce Soir Arts and the metaverse due to illness in the family. It’s been quite an adventure, but things are better now, and we are contemplating a return to our virtual reality – but not a venue. As much fun and wonder it all was, we need more quiet time and calm these days. We enjoyed the outstanding musicians, actors, and artists who graced us with their work and presence. We’ll miss those events and the joy we experienced so many times with so many friends. We hope you are all well and

UPDATE: We are closing the bookshop through the end of 2020, but hope to return for selected readings and art in early 2021. Please take care of yourselves and know how much we have appreciated your kindness over the years. Be well and happy!

ORIGINAL POST: Yes, it’s still very summery in many places – with some major hurricanes and forest fires putting a defining exclamation point on things in the USA. We send our best to all affected by these natural disasters and continue to provide a lovely spot for gathering in safety. Starry Night Island Books & Art offer a sweet respite any time, but especially on Thursdays at Noon slt, when our beloved Poet Laureate – Russell Eponym – steps to the reader’s chair and enthralls us with wonderful novels, st