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These days, everyone has an Iphone and takes pictures all throughout the day. When celebs are involved in scandals, someone is probably there to catch it on film. These celebrities got caught peeing in public . more

Kendall Jenner Sex Video? OMG! No one expected this girl to be such a huge Internet sensation, not even her. Rumors started hitting the Internet that there was a Kendall Jenner Sex Tape. We found the tape that everyone is questioning if it is her. We will let you decide. If Kindall's topless photos didn't bring much attention, then this surely will. There will be a long time before she can take the size cock her sister Kim Kardashian did, but her experience this time was more then shocking, and this will be

Ronda Rousey Nude Ronda Rousey is constantly the center of attention in the UFC world today. Not only is she the women's UFC champion but she's got a beautiful face and body to go with it. Recently, she has been doing nude modeling shoots to show off how perfect her body is. The UFC star is definitely going to stay in the center of the spotlight for a long time. Click here to get to SEE MORE!

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