cbrhfoundation.ca - Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation – Give where you live, because you care

Description: The Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation (CBRHF) is a registered charity, responsible for raising funds to strengthen health care in Cape Breton.

Example domain paragraphs

  — For my 40th birthday, I booked a mammogram. You see, I’m a rule follower, and in Nova Scotia, 40 is the recommended age for your first annual screening. Never in a million years did I expect they would find anything. In fact, I still don’t believe it’s true,… Read more “Tanya Howley’s Story”

  — These past few years have been tough on most of us, myself included. In fact, this past year has been the hardest of my life. I’ve spent almost every single day at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital, watching several of my loved ones be cared for by health… Read more “Allan MacDonald’s Story – Fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Here at Home.”

  It was Thanksgiving Day when I first found a lump. I had recently finished breastfeeding my daughter, Emma, and thought it was common for women to have cysts appear afterwards, so it was likely no big deal. I went about my day and my husband, Jody, and I continued… Read more “Erin MacEachen”

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