cbgen.org - Welcome to the Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association | Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association

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The Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association (CBGHA) is a Nova Scotia registered not-for-profit society located in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.  It was formed in 2003 and is operated by a board of directors and staff who are all volunteers. Individual membership is worldwide, and also includes several genealogy and historical groups that access CBGHA records regularly, including the Chestico Museum & Historical Society ,  Friends of Irish Research , the Sydney Family History Center , th

The CBGHA is funded by membership fees and we welcome all new members.

The mission of the CBGHA is to preserve the family history of Cape Breton through the records of individuals and families.  It is actively engaged in acquiring, recording and making available local family records to its members.   The CBGHA is headquartered in a building owned by the Old Sydney Society but most CBGHA members access the Association’s records through its website.

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