- Sensible Concepts in Physics, Beyond Math to Cause and Effect

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Dedicated to more sensible and satisfying concepts in physics and going beyond math to cause and effect. Did you ever notice that lectures on gravity so often rush to the mathematics of the so called "attraction", F = G m 1 m 2 /r 2 (or the like), but seem to avoid asking or addressing a question much more important to many people? How can two separated masses (seemingly without anything significant around them or between them) be "pulled" or pushed together anyway? At this Web site, we take a more sensitiv

I have established this Web site because I'm like thousands of others. We are seeking a more satisfying and comprehensible understanding of the physical world than we have been able to get through existing "doctrine." Many of us have our own views and theories, well worth considering.

Particle Mass Ratios and Similar Geometric Volume Ratios Covers, less formally, an article by me in J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.579-580 and adds some particles and speculations.