- Cause 2 B Concerned | A climate change heretic: Calling out cultural Marxists: Supporting the forgotten & invisible

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Edward de Bono (pictured left) said “NO is the basic tool of the logic system. YES is the basic tool of the belief system…” 1 .

The logic of the YES/NO argument was developed by Aristotle and is the basis of Arabic and Latin medieval traditions 2 . It has formed the basis of our scientific method, judicial system, debates and even government.

In the debate about climate change, such as it is, the parties are depicted as believers (alarmists who believe the “science is settled” – even though, as any scientist will tell you, science is never completely settled) or deniers (those who do not believe there is climate change). The term “climate change denier” or just “climate denier” is used by climate alarmists pejoritively to equate without differentiation all who do not accept their, the orthodox, view that climate change is man-made, the effects o