- | "Inspired Wellness from Within"

Description: "Inspired Wellness from Within"

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Why is there so much controversy on Missouri House Bill #1169? Funny thing, its purpose is asking only for transparency. It is all about product disclosures. Is that such a hard concept to understand or desire? Why the trickery? Don’t we have a right to know what we are eating? With the benefit of that transparent information, all get to make a choice whether we want to ingest food that has been injected with mRNA vaccines or not. Simple, right? I guess not.

If you have followed ANY of the back channels ( Not censored: Suggestions are to try other search engines like Rumble, Telegram, Gettr, Bitchute, or sites such as Children’s Health Defense, or Vernon Coleman—“Old man in a chair”.) The “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. As a matter of fact, they are not even “vaccines”, but “gene editing” technology which is untested. The entire purpose + agenda may have been to lead us down a bigger, even more evil, path. Don’t take my word, I’ll let you investigate

Anyone notice death rates are skyrocketing among healthy athletes and younger folks with no cormorbidites? Former analyst for Blackrock, Edward Dowd has given sound data in regards to these numbers—supported by insurance analysts, and morticians. Disability numbers are up significantly, as are people who can’t report to work as never before. Kids are sick—the elderly dead. Birthrates are down. Still births and infertility up. Peter McCullough, MD, and many, many others have spoken out and suffered for it; o