- Cat Alip-Douglas

Example domain paragraphs

form is emptiness. emptiness is form. form is none other than emptiness. emptiness none other than form. - the heart sutra (meaning of buddhist swastika seal)

From the fashion floors of Condé Nast in New York to the wooden floors of Sangyé Yoga School in London, cat had officially traded in her Manolo Blahniks for a more 'grounded' approach to bare feet.  cat is originally from New York City and has been calling London home since spring 2004. She feels very privileged to have been involved with the previous incarnation of Sangyé Yoga School from its inception (formerly Jivamukti Yoga London) and as it continues in its current form with a more Tibetan Bu

LOVE & GRATITUDE: Phil, the parents, the teachers – every single one of them and in their many forms. Massive respect for the students who willingly show up (and come back) every single time, especially when it's easier to simply give up. Much love to the notorious biggie smalls the sausage dog & oscar wilde the wiener for helping her see all sentient beings with indiscriminate eyes. Lastly, this precious human life for all it has revealed thus far. Long life to His Holiness the 14 th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gya