- Captain’s Quarters Archives – Thus every blogger, in his kind, is bit by him who comes behind.

Example domain paragraphs

Thus every blogger, in his kind, is bit by him who comes behind.

Not long ago, I wanted to access my archive here to find some work I had done years ago on a topic at Hot Air . When I attempted to access the site’s archives — already tricky since the domain has redirected to Hot Air for almost a dozen years — I kept getting yanked off the site. It turns out that some old code in the CSS calls out a now-defunct domain,, and the domain registrar’s site takes viewers to a sales pitch.

This just reminded me that I have been remiss for years at tending the old site. I used Movable Type back in the day, which has all but gone defunct itself, and I haven’t used it almost since the day I joined Hot Air. It took me a while just to recall my login, and then to refamiliarize myself with the interface. I tried to cull out the scripts from the CSS, but apparently I can’t find every instance of it. Until I did, the old blog site would remain inaccessible.

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