- Jeff Curto's Camera Position | A Podcast About the Creative Side of Photography

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How do you consider yourself as a photographer in terms of the work you do? Is it important to tell your viewers how you define your work as being a particular kind or made with a particular camera, or does the work you make define you instead?

If I make more images, like the one in this post, am I a #lunarphotographer or a #GreatLakesPhotographer? If I shoot it with #film or with #digital, how does that change what the image says? I think my intent as a photographer matters more than the label or the gear and if you make photographs that are genuinely yours, your own personal hashtag will write itself.

Rather than think of myself as this kind of photographer or that kind of photographer, I prefer to think of myself as photographer – I’m interested in subject matter as it presents itself to me, or as I think of it relative to things I’ve read, music I’ve listened to, places I’ve gone…

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