- Callum Arnold

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I am a PhD Candidate in Biology at Pennsylvania State University, where I build mathematical models of infectious diseases as part of Dr. Matt Ferrari’s lab (within the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics), in addition to other infectious disease epidemiology work. I previously worked as a clinical research coordinator in the Infectious Disease Division at the Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada), and concurrently completed an MSc in Global Health Policy at LSHTM. Whilst completing my Masters in

My research interests are in infectious disease epidemiology, with a particular focus on the use of mathematical models to improve outbreak response and resource utilization. I primarily work with R and Julia, but have experience with Python, Bash, and am learning Stan for Bayesian modeling.

When I’m not working, I can be found outside doing one of the following (depending on the season): mountain biking, road cycling, rock climbing, hiking, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, or very occasionally, running.

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